
The Peace Justice Conference #8 in 2022


The conference took place at the Tvind campus 6 – 8 May 2022.

The Peace Justice conference in 2022 was special. Special because it was the first conference that we could hold in person again on our campus after the COVID-19 pandemic and special because we wanted to and managed to reimagine the format of the conference. When it comes to achieving peace and justice, the most important aspect is the awareness and involvement of people. As the saying says, one swallow does not make a summer. This is what we wanted to implement in the structure of the Peace Justice Conference in 2022.


A collaborative conference

The Peace Justice Conference in 2022 was a conference where everybody was a participant and the creator as well. There were, of course, some speeches from activists and peace researchers, but the majority of the program consisted of a process we nicknamed “peace research”. The participants were divided into 4 groups to investigate 4 different topics:

  1. Despite the Poor
  2. Fighting against Climate Change
  3. Fighting against Capitalism and
  4. Fighting against Militarism and Nuclear Weapons

    Each group created a product a world map that consists of some elements of the 4 topics and possible solutions for these issues, either ones that are existing already, or ideas the participants came up with; and shared and discussed with each other at the end of the conference.

The conference was 3 days long and besides the good program, we put emphasis on good food as well. Our dishes were seasonal, partly local and each one of them was inspired by a story of peace.



Alexander Benesch

Britta Jensen

Nilda and Maribel, Cuban doctor and nurse


Art exhibition:

Jens Galschiøt