Honourable Harvest

Workshop hosted by Franka, David & Giulia

The Honourable Harvest

Embracing Indigenous Wisdom for Sustainability

Friday afternoon · 17 May 2024 · 1 hour



This workshop aims to explore different concepts from the indigenous body of knowledge. We live in a world that has forgotten how deeply connected and reliant on nature we are. There are numerous Indigenous cultures, who have lived in symbiosis with nature for generations, and therefore have a special knowledge about the interconnectedness of nature.

Indigenous knowledge can teach us that to fix the big problems, like climate change, we need to change how we see nature: from a mechanical perspective to a more holistic one. Indigenous cultures’ ideas of ‘teaching for peace’ show us how to make peace with nature. It’s a way to work together with the environment instead of hurting it.

Through storytelling, reflection, and discussion, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living elements on our Planet. We will consider how we can apply this new, yet old, knowledge in our lives and communities to promote sustainability, and reciprocity, and, hopefully, create a paradigm shift in how we perceive our world.



Franka, David & Giulia

DNS 2021