Education amidst Conflict

Education amidst Conflict

Education amidst Conflict Presentation hosted by DNS Cabo Delgado Education amidst Conflict: Teacher Training in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique ONLINE  · Saturday morning · 18 May 2024 · 1 hour   CONTENT From the conflict-ridden province of Cabo Delgado in northern...
Meeting “The Poor”

Meeting “The Poor”

Meeting “The Poor” Workshop hosted by Piotr Działak Meeting “The Poor”     Saturday morning · 18 May 2024 · 1 hour   CONTENT You are going to be provoked by this workshop. Your empathy will be tested. When are ‘the Poor’ really...
The Decolonial Mindset

The Decolonial Mindset

The Decolonial Mindset Presentation by Kamal Ahamada “The Decolonial Mindset”   Saturday morning · 18 May 2024 · 1 hour “We are not told, we tell.”   CONTENT From Europe to South America, a phenomenon known as ‘epistemic awakening’ is...